.. meta:: :description: Python Web3 SDK for Ethereum and EVM blockchains gm == **web3.py** is a Python library for interacting with Ethereum. It's commonly found in `decentralized apps (dapps)`_ to help with sending transactions, interacting with smart contracts, reading block data, and a variety of other use cases. The original API was derived from the `Web3.js`_ Javascript API, but has since evolved toward the needs and creature comforts of Python developers. Getting Started --------------- .. NOTE:: 👋 Brand new to Ethereum? 0. Don't travel alone! Join the Ethereum Python Community `Discord`_. 1. Read this `blog post series`_ for a gentle introduction to Ethereum blockchain concepts. 2. The :ref:`Overview` page will give you a quick idea of what else web3.py can do. 3. Try building a little something! - Ready to code? → :ref:`quickstart` - Interested in a quick tour? → :ref:`overview` - Need help debugging? → `StackExchange`_ - Found a bug? → :ref:`Contribute ` - Want to chat? → `Discord`_ - Read the source? → `Github`_ - Looking for inspiration? → :ref:`resources` .. include:: toc.rst .. _decentralized apps (dapps): https://ethereum.org/dapps/ .. _Web3.js: https://web3js.readthedocs.io/ .. _blog post series: https://snakecharmers.ethereum.org/a-developers-guide-to-ethereum-pt-1 .. _StackExchange: https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/web3.py .. _Discord: https://discord.gg/GHryRvPB84 .. _Github: https://github.com/ethereum/web3.py