Migrating your code from v6 to v7

web3.py follows Semantic Versioning, which means that version 7 introduced backwards-incompatible changes. If your project depends on web3.py v7, you’ll probably need to make some changes.

Breaking Changes:

Class-Based Middleware Model

The middleware model has been changed to a class-based model. Previously, middleware were defined as functions that tightly wrapped the provider’s make_request function, where transformations could be conditionally applied before and after the request was made.

Now, middleware logic can be separated into request_processor and response_processor functions that enable pre-request and post-response logic, respectively. This change offers a simpler, clearer interface for defining middleware, gives more flexibility for asynchronous operations and also paves the way for supporting batch requests - included in the roadmap for web3.py.

The new middleware model is documented in the Middleware section.

Middleware Renaming and Removals

The following middleware have been renamed for generalization or clarity:

  • name_to_address_middleware -> ENSNameToAddressMiddleware

  • geth_poa_middleware -> ExtraDataToPOAMiddleware

The following middleware have been removed:

ABI Middleware

abi_middleware is no longer necessary and has been removed. All of the functionality of the abi_middleware was already handled by web3.py’s ABI formatters. For additional context: a bug in the ENS name-to-address middleware would override the formatters. Fixing this bug has removed the need for the abi_middleware.

Caching Middleware

The following middleware have been removed:

  • simple_cache_middleware

  • latest_block_based_cache_middleware

  • time_based_cache_middleware

All caching middleware has been removed in favor of a decorator/wrapper around the make_request methods of providers with configuration options on the provider class. The configuration options are outlined in the documentation in the Request Caching section.

If desired, the previous caching middleware can be re-created using the new class-based middleware model overriding the wrap_make_request (or async_wrap_make_request) method in the middleware class.

Result Generating Middleware

The following middleware have been removed:

  • fixture_middleware

  • result_generator_middleware

The fixture_middleware and result_generator_middleware which were used for testing/mocking purposes have been removed. These have been replaced internally by the RequestMocker class, utilized for testing via a request_mocker pytest fixture.

HTTP Retry Request Middleware

The http_retry_request_middleware has been removed in favor of a configuration option on the HTTPProvider and AsyncHTTPProvider classes. The configuration options are outlined in the documentation in the Retry Requests for HTTP Providers section.

Normalize Request Parameters Middleware

The normalize_request_parameters middleware was not used anywhere internally and has been removed.

Provider Updates


WebsocketProviderV2, introduced in web3.py v6, has taken priority over the legacy WebsocketProvider. The LegacyWebSocketProvider is also deprecated in v7 and will likely be slated for removal in a later major version of the library to help with the transition to the asynchronous patterns required when using the WebSocketProvider. In summary:

  • WebsocketProvider -> LegacyWebSocketProvider (and deprecated)

  • WebsocketProviderV2 -> WebSocketProvider


EthereumTesterProvider now returns input instead of data for eth_getTransaction* calls, as expected.

AsyncIPCProvider (non-breaking feature)

An asynchronous IPC provider, AsyncIPCProvider, is also newly available in v7. This provider makes use of some of the same internals that the new WebSocketProvider introduced, allowing it to also support eth_subscription.

Python 3.7 Support Dropped

Python 3.7 support has been dropped in favor of Python 3.8+. Python 3.7 is no longer supported by the Python core team, and we want to focus our efforts on supporting the latest versions of Python.

EthPM Module Removed

The EthPM module has been removed from the library. It was not widely used and has not been functional since around October 2022. It was deprecated in v6 and has been completely removed in v7.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • LRU has been removed from the library and dependency on lru-dict library was dropped.

  • CallOverride type was changed to StateOverride since more methods than eth_call utilize the state override params.

  • User-Agent header was changed to a more readable format.

  • BaseContractFunctions iterator now returns instances of ContractFunction rather than the function names.

  • Beacon API filename change: beacon/main.py -> beacon/beacon.py.

  • The geth.miner namespace and methods, deprecated in v6, is removed in v7.

  • The asynchronous version of w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt() changes its signature to use Optional[float] instead of float since it may be None.

  • get_default_ipc_path() and get_dev_ipc_path() now return the path value without checking if the geth.ipc file exists.

  • Web3.is_address() returns True for non-checksummed addresses.