web3.eth API

class web3.eth.Eth

The web3.eth object exposes the following properties and methods to interact with the RPC APIs under the eth_ namespace.

Often, when a property or method returns a mapping of keys to values, it will return an AttributeDict which acts like a dict but you can access the keys as attributes and cannot modify its fields. For example, you can find the latest block number in these two ways:

>>> block = web3.eth.getBlock('latest')
  'hash': '0xe8ad537a261e6fff80d551d8d087ee0f2202da9b09b64d172a5f45e818eb472a',
  'number': 4022281,
  # ... etc ...

>>> block['number']
>>> block.number

>>> block.number = 4022282
Traceback # ... etc ...
TypeError: This data is immutable -- create a copy instead of modifying


The following properties are available on the web3.eth namespace.


The ethereum address that will be used as the default from address for all transactions.


The default block number that will be used for any RPC methods that accept a block identifier. Defaults to 'latest'.

  • Delegates to eth_syncing RPC Method

Returns either False if the node is not syncing or a dictionary showing sync status.

>>> web3.eth.syncing
    'currentBlock': 2177557,
    'highestBlock': 2211611,
    'knownStates': 0,
    'pulledStates': 0,
    'startingBlock': 2177365,
  • Delegates to eth_coinbase RPC Method

Returns the current Coinbase address.

>>> web3.eth.coinbase
  • Delegates to eth_mining RPC Method

Returns boolean as to whether the node is currently mining.

>>> web3.eth.mining
  • Delegates to eth_hashrate RPC Method

Returns the current number of hashes per second the node is mining with.

>>> web3.eth.hashrate
  • Delegates to eth_gasPrice RPC Method

Returns the current gas price in Wei.

>>> web3.eth.gasPrice
  • Delegates to eth_accounts RPC Method

Returns the list of known accounts.

>>> web3.eth.accounts
  • Delegates to eth_blockNumber RPC Method

Returns the number of the most recent block

>>> web3.eth.blockNumber


The following methods are available on the web3.eth namespace.

Eth.getBalance(account, block_identifier=eth.defaultBlock)
  • Delegates to eth_getBalance RPC Method

Returns the balance of the given account at the block specified by block_identifier.

account may be a hex address or an ENS name

>>> web3.eth.getBalance('0xd3cda913deb6f67967b99d67acdfa1712c293601')
Eth.getStorageAt(account, position, block_identifier=eth.defaultBlock)
  • Delegates to eth_getStorageAt RPC Method

Returns the value from a storage position for the given account at the block specified by block_identifier.

account may be a hex address or an ENS name

>>> web3.eth.getStorageAt('0x6c8f2a135f6ed072de4503bd7c4999a1a17f824b', 0)
Eth.getCode(account, block_identifier=eth.defaultBlock)
  • Delegates to eth_getCode RPC Method

Returns the bytecode for the given account at the block specified by block_identifier.

account may be a hex address or an ENS name

# For a contract address.
>>> web3.eth.getCode('0x6c8f2a135f6ed072de4503bd7c4999a1a17f824b')
# For a private key address.
>>> web3.eth.getCode('0xd3cda913deb6f67967b99d67acdfa1712c293601')
Eth.getBlock(block_identifier=eth.defaultBlock, full_transactions=False)
  • Delegates to eth_getBlockByNumber or eth_getBlockByHash RPC Methods

Returns the block specified by block_identifier. Delegates to eth_getBlockByNumber if block_identifier is an integer or one of the predefined block parameters 'latest', 'earliest', 'pending', otherwise delegates to eth_getBlockByHash.

If full_transactions is True then the 'transactions' key will contain full transactions objects. Otherwise it will be an array of transaction hashes.

>>> web3.eth.getBlock(2000000)
    'difficulty': 49824742724615,
    'extraData': '0xe4b883e5bda9e7a59ee4bb99e9b1bc',
    'gasLimit': 4712388,
    'gasUsed': 21000,
    'hash': '0xc0f4906fea23cf6f3cce98cb44e8e1449e455b28d684dfa9ff65426495584de6',
    'logsBloom': '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
    'miner': '0x61c808d82a3ac53231750dadc13c777b59310bd9',
    'nonce': '0x3b05c6d5524209f1',
    'number': 2000000,
    'parentHash': '0x57ebf07eb9ed1137d41447020a25e51d30a0c272b5896571499c82c33ecb7288',
    'receiptRoot': '0x84aea4a7aad5c5899bd5cfc7f309cc379009d30179316a2a7baa4a2ea4a438ac',
    'sha3Uncles': '0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347',
    'size': 650,
    'stateRoot': '0x96dbad955b166f5119793815c36f11ffa909859bbfeb64b735cca37cbf10bef1',
    'timestamp': 1470173578,
    'totalDifficulty': 44010101827705409388,
    'transactions': ['0xc55e2b90168af6972193c1f86fa4d7d7b31a29c156665d15b9cd48618b5177ef'],
    'transactionsRoot': '0xb31f174d27b99cdae8e746bd138a01ce60d8dd7b224f7c60845914def05ecc58',
    'uncles': [],
  • Delegates to eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber or eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash RPC Methods

Returns the number of transactions in the block specified by block_identifier. Delegates to eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber if block_identifier is an integer or one of the predefined block parameters 'latest', 'earliest', 'pending', otherwise delegates to eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash.

>>> web3.eth.getBlockTransactionCount(46147)
>>> web3.eth.getBlockTransactionCount('0x4e3a3754410177e6937ef1f84bba68ea139e8d1a2258c5f85db9f1cd715a1bdd')  # block 46147


Method to get an Uncle from its hash is not available through RPC, a possible substitute is the method Eth.getUncleByBlock

Eth.getUncleByBlock(block_identifier, uncle_index)
  • Delegates to eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex or eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex RPC methods

Returns the uncle at the index specified by uncle_index from the block specified by block_identifier. Delegates to eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex if block_identifier is an integer or one of the predefined block parameters 'latest', 'earliest', 'pending', otherwise delegates to eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex.

>>> web3.eth.getUncleByBlock(56160, 0)
  'author': '0xbe4532e1b1db5c913cf553be76180c1777055403',
  'difficulty': '0x17dd9ca0afe',
  'extraData': '0x476574682f686261722f76312e302e312f6c696e75782f676f312e342e32',
  'gasLimit': '0x2fefd8',
  'gasUsed': '0x0',
  'hash': '0xc78c35720d930f9ef34b4e6fb9d02ffec936f9b02a8f0fa858456e4afd4d5614',
  'miner': '0xbe4532e1b1db5c913cf553be76180c1777055403',
  'mixHash': '0x041e14603f35a82f6023802fec96ef760433292434a39787514f140950597e5e',
  'nonce': '0x5d2b7e3f1af09995',
  'number': '0xdb5e',
  'parentHash': '0xcc30e8a9b15c548d5bf113c834143a8f0e1909fbfea96b2a208dc154293a78cf',
  'receiptsRoot': '0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421',
  'sealFields': ['0xa0041e14603f35a82f6023802fec96ef760433292434a39787514f140950597e5e', '0x885d2b7e3f1af09995'],
  'sha3Uncles': '0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347',
  'size': None, 'stateRoot': '0x8ce2b1bf8e25a06a8ca34c647ff5fd0fa48ac725cc07f657ae1645ab8ef68c91',
  'timestamp': '0x55c6a972',
  'totalDifficulty': '0xce4c4f0a0b810b',
  'transactions': [],
  'transactionsRoot': '0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421',
  'uncles': []

# You can also refer to the block by hash:
>>> web3.eth.getUncleByBlock('0x685b2226cbf6e1f890211010aa192bf16f0a0cba9534264a033b023d7367b845', 0)
  • Delegates to eth_getTransactionByHAsh RPC Method

Returns the transaction specified by transaction_hash

>>> web3.eth.getTransaction('0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060')
    'blockHash': '0x4e3a3754410177e6937ef1f84bba68ea139e8d1a2258c5f85db9f1cd715a1bdd',
    'blockNumber': 46147,
    'from': '0xa1e4380a3b1f749673e270229993ee55f35663b4',
    'gas': 21000,
    'gasPrice': 50000000000000,
    'hash': '0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060',
    'input': '0x',
    'nonce': 0,
    'to': '0x5df9b87991262f6ba471f09758cde1c0fc1de734',
    'transactionIndex': 0,
    'value': 31337,
Eth.getTransactionFromBlock(block_identifier, transaction_index)


This method is deprecated and replaced by Eth.getTransactionByBlock

Eth.getTransactionByBlock(block_identifier, transaction_index)
  • Delegates to eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex or eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex RPC Methods

Returns the transaction at the index specified by transaction_index from the block specified by block_identifier. Delegates to eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex if block_identifier is an integer or one of the predefined block parameters 'latest', 'earliest', 'pending', otherwise delegates to eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex.

>>> web3.eth.getTransactionFromBlock(46147, 0)
    'blockHash': '0x4e3a3754410177e6937ef1f84bba68ea139e8d1a2258c5f85db9f1cd715a1bdd',
    'blockNumber': 46147,
    'from': '0xa1e4380a3b1f749673e270229993ee55f35663b4',
    'gas': 21000,
    'gasPrice': 50000000000000,
    'hash': '0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060',
    'input': '0x',
    'nonce': 0,
    'to': '0x5df9b87991262f6ba471f09758cde1c0fc1de734',
    'transactionIndex': 0,
    'value': 31337,
>>> web3.eth.getTransactionFromBlock('0x4e3a3754410177e6937ef1f84bba68ea139e8d1a2258c5f85db9f1cd715a1bdd', 0)
    'blockHash': '0x4e3a3754410177e6937ef1f84bba68ea139e8d1a2258c5f85db9f1cd715a1bdd',
    'blockNumber': 46147,
    'from': '0xa1e4380a3b1f749673e270229993ee55f35663b4',
    'gas': 21000,
    'gasPrice': 50000000000000,
    'hash': '0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060',
    'input': '0x',
    'nonce': 0,
    'to': '0x5df9b87991262f6ba471f09758cde1c0fc1de734',
    'transactionIndex': 0,
    'value': 31337,
Eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(transaction_hash, timeout=120)

Waits for the transaction specified by transaction_hash to be included in a block, then returns its transaction receipt.

Optionally, specify a timeout in seconds. If timeout elapses before the transaction is added to a block, then waitForTransactionReceipt() raises a Timeout exception.

>>> web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt('0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060')
# If transaction is not yet in a block, time passes, while the thread sleeps...
# ...
# Then when the transaction is added to a block, its receipt is returned:
    'blockHash': '0x4e3a3754410177e6937ef1f84bba68ea139e8d1a2258c5f85db9f1cd715a1bdd',
    'blockNumber': 46147,
    'contractAddress': None,
    'cumulativeGasUsed': 21000,
    'from': '0xa1e4380a3b1f749673e270229993ee55f35663b4',
    'gasUsed': 21000,
    'logs': [],
    'root': '96a8e009d2b88b1483e6941e6812e32263b05683fac202abc622a3e31aed1957',
    'to': '0x5df9b87991262f6ba471f09758cde1c0fc1de734',
    'transactionHash': '0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060',
    'transactionIndex': 0,
  • Delegates to eth_getTransactionReceipt RPC Method

Returns the transaction receipt specified by transaction_hash. If the transaction has not yet been mined returns None

>>> web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt('0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060')  # not yet mined
# wait for it to be mined....
>>> web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt('0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060')
    'blockHash': '0x4e3a3754410177e6937ef1f84bba68ea139e8d1a2258c5f85db9f1cd715a1bdd',
    'blockNumber': 46147,
    'contractAddress': None,
    'cumulativeGasUsed': 21000,
    'from': '0xa1e4380a3b1f749673e270229993ee55f35663b4',
    'gasUsed': 21000,
    'logs': [],
    'root': '96a8e009d2b88b1483e6941e6812e32263b05683fac202abc622a3e31aed1957',
    'to': '0x5df9b87991262f6ba471f09758cde1c0fc1de734',
    'transactionHash': '0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060',
    'transactionIndex': 0,
Eth.getTransactionCount(account, block_identifier=web3.eth.defaultBlock)
  • Delegates to eth_getTransactionCount RPC Method

Returns the number of transactions that have been sent from account as of the block specified by block_identifier.

account may be a hex address or an ENS name

>>> web3.eth.getTransactionCount('0xd3cda913deb6f67967b99d67acdfa1712c293601')
  • Delegates to eth_sendTransaction RPC Method

Signs and sends the given transaction

The transaction parameter should be a dictionary with the following fields.

  • from: bytes or text, hex address or ENS name - (optional, default: web3.eth.defaultAccount) The address the transaction is send from.
  • to: bytes or text, hex address or ENS name - (optional when creating new contract) The address the transaction is directed to.
  • gas: integer - (optional, default: 90000) Integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution. It will return unused gas.
  • gasPrice: integer - (optional, default: To-Be-Determined) Integer of the gasPrice used for each paid gas
  • value: integer - (optional) Integer of the value send with this transaction
  • data: bytes or text - The compiled code of a contract OR the hash of the invoked method signature and encoded parameters. For details see Ethereum Contract ABI.
  • nonce: integer - (optional) Integer of a nonce. This allows to overwrite your own pending transactions that use the same nonce.

If the transaction specifies a data value but does not specify gas then the gas value will be populated using the estimateGas() function with an additional buffer of 100000 gas up to the gasLimit of the latest block. In the event that the value returned by estimateGas() method is greater than the gasLimit a ValueError will be raised.

>>> web3.eth.sendTransaction({'to': '0xd3cda913deb6f67967b99d67acdfa1712c293601', 'from': web3.eth.coinbase, 'value': 12345})
  • Delegates to eth_sendRawTransaction RPC Method

Sends a signed and serialized transaction. Returns the transaction hash.

>>> signed_txn = w3.eth.account.signTransaction(dict(
>>> w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_txn.rawTransaction)
Eth.replaceTransaction(transaction_hash, new_transaction)
  • Delegates to eth_sendTransaction RPC Method

Sends a transaction that replaces the transaction with transaction_hash.

The transaction_hash must be the hash of a pending transaction.

The new_transaction parameter should be a dictionary with transaction fields as required by sendTransaction(). It will be used to entirely replace the transaction of transaction_hash without using any of the pending transaction’s values.

If the new_transaction specifies a nonce value, it must match the pending transaction’s nonce.

If the new_transaction specifies a gasPrice value, it must be greater than the pending transaction’s gasPrice.

If the new_transaction does not specify a gasPrice value, the highest of the following 2 values will be used:

  • The pending transaction’s gasPrice * 1.1 - This is typically the minimum gasPrice increase a node requires before it accepts a replacement transaction.
  • The gasPrice as calculated by the current gas price strategy(See Gas Price API).

This method returns the transaction hash of the replacement transaction.

>>> tx = web3.eth.sendTransaction({
        'to': '0xd3cda913deb6f67967b99d67acdfa1712c293601',
        'from': web3.eth.coinbase,
        'value': 1000
>>> web3.eth.replaceTransaction('0xe670ec64341771606e55d6b4ca35a1a6b75ee3d5145a99d05921026d1527331', {
        'to': '0xd3cda913deb6f67967b99d67acdfa1712c293601',
        'from': web3.eth.coinbase,
        'value': 2000
Eth.modifyTransaction(transaction_hash, **transaction_params)
  • Delegates to eth_sendTransaction RPC Method

Sends a transaction that modifies the transaction with transaction_hash.

transaction_params are keyword arguments that correspond to valid transaction parameters as required by sendTransaction(). The parameter values will override the pending transaction’s values to create the replacement transaction to send.

The same validation and defaulting rules of replaceTransaction() apply.

This method returns the transaction hash of the newly modified transaction.

>>> tx = web3.eth.sendTransaction({
        'to': '0xd3cda913deb6f67967b99d67acdfa1712c293601',
        'from': web3.eth.coinbase,
        'value': 1000
>>> web3.eth.modifyTransaction('0xe670ec64341771606e55d6b4ca35a1a6b75ee3d5145a99d05921026d1527331', value=2000)
Eth.sign(account, data=None, hexstr=None, text=None)
  • Delegates to eth_sign RPC Method

Caller must specify exactly one of: data, hexstr, or text.

Signs the given data with the private key of the given account. The account must be unlocked.

account may be a hex address or an ENS name

>>> web3.eth.sign(

>>> web3.eth.sign(

>>> web3.eth.sign(
Eth.call(transaction, block_identifier=web3.eth.defaultBlock)
  • Delegates to eth_call RPC Method

Executes the given transaction locally without creating a new transaction on the blockchain. Returns the return value of the executed contract.

The transaction parameter is handled in the same manner as the sendTransaction() method.

>>> myContract.functions.setVar(1).transact()
>>> myContract.functions.getVar().call()
# The above call equivalent to the raw call:
>>> we3.eth.call({'value': 0, 'gas': 21736, 'gasPrice': 1, 'to': '0xc305c901078781C232A2a521C2aF7980f8385ee9', 'data': '0x477a5c98'})

In most cases it is better to make contract function call through the web3.contract.Contract interface.

  • Delegates to eth_estimateGas RPC Method

Executes the given transaction locally without creating a new transaction on the blockchain. Returns amount of gas consumed by execution which can be used as a gas estimate.

The transaction parameter is handled in the same manner as the sendTransaction() method.

>>> web3.eth.estimateGas({'to': '0xd3cda913deb6f67967b99d67acdfa1712c293601', 'from': web3.eth.coinbase, 'value': 12345})

Uses the selected gas price strategy to calculate a gas price. This method returns the gas price denominated in wei.

The transaction_params argument is optional however some gas price strategies may require it to be able to produce a gas price.

>>> Web3.eth.generateGasPrice()


For information about how gas price can be customized in web3 see Gas Price API.


Set the selected gas price strategy. It must be a method of the signature (web3, transaction_params) and return a gas price denominated in wei.


The following methods are available on the web3.eth object for interacting with the filtering API.

  • Delegates to eth_newFilter, eth_newBlockFilter, and eth_newPendingTransactionFilter RPC Methods.

This method delegates to one of three RPC methods depending on the value of filter_params.

  • If filter_params is the string 'pending' then a new filter is registered using the eth_newPendingTransactionFilter RPC method. This will create a new filter that will be called for each new unmined transaction that the node receives.
  • If filter_params is the string 'latest' then a new filter is registered using the eth_newBlockFilter RPC method. This will create a new filter that will be called each time the node receives a new block.
  • If filter_params is a dictionary then a new filter is registered using the eth_newFilter RPC method. This will create a new filter that will be called for all log entries that match the provided filter_params.

This method returns a web3.utils.filters.Filter object which can then be used to either directly fetch the results of the filter or to register callbacks which will be called with each result of the filter.

When creating a new log filter, the filter_params should be a dictionary with the following keys.

  • fromBlock: integer/tag - (optional, default: “latest”) Integer block number, or “latest” for the last mined block or “pending”, “earliest” for not yet mined transactions.
  • toBlock: integer/tag - (optional, default: “latest”) Integer block number, or “latest” for the last mined block or “pending”, “earliest” for not yet mined transactions.
  • address: string or list of strings, each 20 Bytes - (optional) Contract address or a list of addresses from which logs should originate.
  • topics: list of 32 byte strings or null - (optional) Array of topics that should be used for filtering. Topics are order-dependent. This parameter can also be a list of topic lists in which case filtering will match any of the provided topic arrays.

See Filtering for more information about filtering.

>>> web3.eth.filter('latest')
<BlockFilter at 0x10b72dc28>
>>> web3.eth.filter('pending')
<TransactionFilter at 0x10b780340>
>>> web3.eth.filter({'fromBlock': 1000000, 'toBlock': 1000100, 'address': '0x6c8f2a135f6ed072de4503bd7c4999a1a17f824b'})
<LogFilter at 0x10b7803d8>
Eth.getFilterChanges(self, filter_id)
  • Delegates to eth_getFilterChanges RPC Method.

Returns all new entries which occurred since the last call to this method for the given filter_id

>>> filt = web3.eth.filter()
>>> web3.eth.getFilterChanges(filt.filter_id)
        'address': '0xdc3a9db694bcdd55ebae4a89b22ac6d12b3f0c24',
        'blockHash': '0xb72256286ca528e09022ffd408856a73ef90e7216ac560187c6e43b4c4efd2f0',
        'blockNumber': 2217196,
        'data': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001',
        'logIndex': 0,
        'topics': ['0xe65b00b698ba37c614af350761c735c5f4a82b4ab365a1f1022d49d9dfc8e930',
        'transactionHash': '0xfe1289fd3915794b99702202f65eea2e424b2f083a12749d29b4dd51f6dce40d',
        'transactionIndex': 1,
Eth.getFilterLogs(self, filter_id)
  • Delegates to eth_getFilterLogs RPC Method.

Returns all entries for the given filter_id

>>> filt = web3.eth.filter()
>>> web3.eth.getFilterLogs(filt.filter_id)
        'address': '0xdc3a9db694bcdd55ebae4a89b22ac6d12b3f0c24',
        'blockHash': '0xb72256286ca528e09022ffd408856a73ef90e7216ac560187c6e43b4c4efd2f0',
        'blockNumber': 2217196,
        'data': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001',
        'logIndex': 0,
        'topics': ['0xe65b00b698ba37c614af350761c735c5f4a82b4ab365a1f1022d49d9dfc8e930',
        'transactionHash': '0xfe1289fd3915794b99702202f65eea2e424b2f083a12749d29b4dd51f6dce40d',
        'transactionIndex': 1,
Eth.uninstallFilter(self, filter_id)
  • Delegates to eth_uninstallFilter RPC Method.

Uninstalls the filter specified by the given filter_id. Returns boolean as to whether the filter was successfully uninstalled.

>>> filt = web3.eth.filter()
>>> web3.eth.uninstallFilter(filt.filter_id)
>>> web3.eth.uninstallFilter(filt.filter_id)
False  # already uninstalled.

This is the equivalent of: creating a new filter, running getFilterLogs(), and then uninstalling the filter. See filter() for details on allowed filter parameters.


Eth.contract(address=None, contract_name=None, ContractFactoryClass=Contract, **contract_factory_kwargs)

If address is provided, then this method will return an instance of the contract defined by abi. The address may be a hex string, or an ENS name like 'mycontract.eth'.

from web3 import Web3

w3 = Web3(...)

contract = w3.eth.contract(address='0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead', abi=...)

# alternatively:
contract = w3.eth.contract(address='mycontract.eth', abi=...)


If you use an ENS name to initialize a contract, the contract will be looked up by name on each use. If the name could ever change maliciously, first Look up the address for an ENS name, and then create the contract with the hex address.

If address is not provided, the newly created contract class will be returned. That class will then be initialized by supplying the address.

from web3 import Web3

w3 = Web3(...)

Contract = w3.eth.contract(abi=...)

# later, initialize contracts with the same metadata at different addresses:
contract1 = Contract(address='0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead')
contract2 = Contract(address='mycontract.eth')

contract_name will be used as the name of the contract class. If it is None then the name of the ContractFactoryClass will be used.

ContractFactoryClass will be used as the base Contract class.

The following arguments are accepted for contract class creation.

  • abi
  • asm
  • ast
  • bytecode
  • bytecode_runtime
  • clone_bin
  • dev_doc
  • interface
  • metadata
  • opcodes
  • src_map
  • src_map_runtime
  • user_doc

See Contracts for more information about how to use contracts.


Modify the default contract factory from Contract to contractFactoryClass. Future calls to Eth.contract() will then default to contractFactoryClass.

An example of an alternative Contract Factory is ConciseContract.