

This is a Python implementation of the Ethereum Smart Contract Packaging Specification V3, driven by discussions in ERC 190, ERC 1123, ERC 1319.

Py-EthPM is being built as a low-level library to help developers leverage the ethPM spec. Including …

  • Parse and validate packages.

  • Construct and publish new packages.

  • Provide access to contract factory classes.

  • Provide access to all of a package’s deployments.

  • Validate package bytecode matches compilation output.

  • Validate deployed bytecode matches compilation output.

  • Access to package’s dependencies.

  • Native integration with compilation metadata.


The Package object will function much like the Contract class provided by web3. Rather than instantiating the base class provided by ethpm, you will instead use a classmethod which generates a new Package class for a given package.

Package objects must be instantiated with a valid web3 object.

>>> from ethpm import Package, get_ethpm_spec_dir
>>> from web3 import Web3

>>> w3 = Web3(Web3.EthereumTesterProvider())
>>> ethpm_spec_dir = get_ethpm_spec_dir()
>>> owned_manifest_path = ethpm_spec_dir / 'examples' / 'owned' / 'v3.json'
>>> OwnedPackage = Package.from_file(owned_manifest_path, w3)
>>> assert isinstance(OwnedPackage, Package)

For a closer look at how to interact with EthPM packages using web3, check out the examples page.


Each Package exposes the following properties.

class ethpm.Package(manifest: Dict[str, Any], w3: Web3, uri: str | None = None)
__repr__() str

String readable representation of the Package.

>>> OwnedPackage.__repr__()
'<Package owned==1.0.0>'
property name: str

The name of this Package.

property version: str

The package version of a Package.

>>> OwnedPackage.version
property manifest_version: str

The manifest version of a Package.

>>> OwnedPackage.manifest_version
property uri: str | None

The uri (local file_path / content-addressed URI) of a Package’s manifest.

property contract_types: List[str]

All contract types included in this package.


Return Dependencies instance containing the build dependencies available on this Package.

The Package class should provide access to the full dependency tree.

>>> owned_package.build_dependencies['zeppelin']

Returns a Deployments object containing all the deployment data and contract instances of a Package’s contract_types. Automatically filters deployments to only expose those available on the current Package.w3 instance.


The Web3 instance currently set on this Package. The deployments available on a package are automatically filtered to only contain those belonging to the currently set w3 instance.


The manifest dict used to instantiate a Package.


Each Package exposes the following methods.

class ethpm.Package(manifest: Dict[str, Any], w3: Web3, uri: str | None = None)
update_w3(w3: Web3) Package

Returns a new instance of Package containing the same manifest, but connected to a different web3 instance.

>>> new_w3 = Web3(Web3.EthereumTesterProvider())
>>> NewPackage = OwnedPackage.update_w3(new_w3)
>>> assert NewPackage.w3 == new_w3
>>> assert OwnedPackage.manifest == NewPackage.manifest
classmethod from_file(file_path: Path, w3: Web3) Package

Returns a Package instantiated by a manifest located at the provided Path. file_path arg must be a pathlib.Path instance. A valid Web3 instance is required to instantiate a Package.

classmethod from_uri(uri: URI, w3: Web3) Package

Returns a Package object instantiated by a manifest located at a content-addressed URI. A valid Web3 instance is also required. URI schemes supported:

  • IPFS: ipfs://Qm…

  • HTTP:

  • Registry: erc1319://registry.eth:1/greeter?version=1.0.0

OwnedPackage = Package.from_uri('ipfs://QmbeVyFLSuEUxiXKwSsEjef7icpdTdA4kGG9BcrJXKNKUW', w3)  # noqa: E501
get_contract_factory(name: ContractName) LinkableContract

Return the contract factory for a given contract type, generated from the data vailable in Package.manifest. Contract factories are accessible from the package class.

Owned = OwnedPackage.get_contract_factory('owned')

In cases where a contract uses a library, the contract factory will have unlinked bytecode. The ethpm package ships with its own subclass of web3.contract.Contract, ethpm.contract.LinkableContract with a few extra methods and properties related to bytecode linking.

>>> math = owned_package.contract_factories.math
>>> math.needs_bytecode_linking
>>> linked_math = math.link_bytecode({'MathLib': '0x1234...'})
>>> linked_math.needs_bytecode_linking
get_contract_instance(name: ContractName, address: Address) Contract

Will return a Web3.contract instance generated from the contract type data available in Package.manifest and the provided address. The provided address must be valid on the connected chain available through Package.w3.


The Package class currently verifies the following things.

  • Manifests used to instantiate a Package object conform to the EthPM V3 Manifest Specification and are tightly packed, with keys sorted alphabetically, and no trailing newline.


Py-EthPM uses a custom subclass of Web3.contract.Contract to manage contract factories and instances which might require bytecode linking. To create a deployable contract factory, both the contract type’s abi and deploymentBytecode must be available in the Package’s manifest.

>>> from eth_utils import is_address
>>> from web3 import Web3
>>> from ethpm import Package, ASSETS_DIR

>>> w3 = Web3(Web3.EthereumTesterProvider())
>>> escrow_manifest_path = ASSETS_DIR / 'escrow' / 'with_bytecode_v3.json'

>>> # Try to deploy from unlinked factory
>>> EscrowPackage = Package.from_file(escrow_manifest_path, w3)
>>> EscrowFactory = EscrowPackage.get_contract_factory("Escrow")
>>> assert EscrowFactory.needs_bytecode_linking
>>> escrow_instance = EscrowFactory.constructor(w3.eth.accounts[0]).transact()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ethpm.exceptions.BytecodeLinkingError: Contract cannot be deployed until its bytecode is linked.

>>> # Deploy SafeSendLib
>>> SafeSendFactory = EscrowPackage.get_contract_factory("SafeSendLib")
>>> safe_send_tx_hash = SafeSendFactory.constructor().transact()
>>> safe_send_tx_receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(safe_send_tx_hash)

>>> # Link Escrow factory to deployed SafeSendLib instance
>>> LinkedEscrowFactory = EscrowFactory.link_bytecode({"SafeSendLib": safe_send_tx_receipt.contractAddress})
>>> assert LinkedEscrowFactory.needs_bytecode_linking is False
>>> escrow_tx_hash = LinkedEscrowFactory.constructor(w3.eth.accounts[0]).transact()
>>> escrow_tx_receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(escrow_tx_hash)
>>> assert is_address(escrow_tx_receipt.contractAddress)



A list of link reference data for the deployment bytecode, if present in the manifest data used to generate a LinkableContract factory. Deployment bytecode link reference data must be present in a manifest in order to generate a factory for a contract which requires bytecode linking.


A list of link reference data for the runtime bytecode, if present in the manifest data used to generate a LinkableContract factory. If you want to use the web3 Deployer tool for a contract, then runtime bytecode link reference data must be present in a manifest.


A boolean attribute used to indicate whether a contract factory has unresolved link references, which must be resolved before a new contract instance can be deployed or instantiated at a given address.


This method returns a newly created contract factory with the applied link references defined in the attr_dict. This method expects attr_dict to be of the type Dict[`contract_name`: `address`] for all link references that are unlinked.

URI Schemes and Backends


Py-EthPM uses the BaseURIBackend as the parent class for all of its URI backends. To write your own backend, it must implement the following methods.


Return a bool indicating whether or not this backend is capable of resolving the given URI to a manifest. A content-addressed URI pointing to valid manifest is said to be capable of “resolving”.


Return a bool indicating whether this backend class can translate the given URI to a corresponding content-addressed URI. A registry URI is said to be capable of “translating” if it points to another content-addressed URI in its respective on-chain registry.


Fetch the contents stored at the provided uri, if an available backend is capable of resolving the URI. Validates that contents stored at uri match the content hash suffixing the uri.


Py-EthPM has multiple backends available to fetch/pin files to IPFS. The IPFS backends rely on the now-unmaintained ipfshttpclient library. Because of this, they are opt-in and may be installed via the ipfs web3 install extra.

$ pip install "web3[ipfs]"

The desired backend can be set via the environment variable: ETHPM_IPFS_BACKEND_CLASS.

  • InfuraIPFSBackend (default)

  • IPFSGatewayBackend (temporarily deprecated)

  • LocalIPFSBacked
    • Connect to a local IPFS API gateway running on port 5001.

  • DummyIPFSBackend
    • Won’t pin/fetch files to an actual IPFS node, but mocks out this behavior.


Pin asset(s) found at the given path and returns the pinned asset data.


Py-EthPM offers a backend to fetch files from Github, GithubOverHTTPSBackend.

A valid content-addressed Github URI must conform to the following scheme, as described in ERC1319, to be used with this backend.

This util function will return a content-addressed URI, as defined by Github’s blob scheme. To generate a content-addressed URI for any manifest stored on github, this function requires accepts a Github API uri that follows the following scheme.
>>> from ethpm.uri import create_content_addressed_github_uri

>>> owned_github_api_uri = ""
>>> content_addressed_uri = ""

>>> actual_blob_uri = create_content_addressed_github_uri(owned_github_api_uri)
>>> assert actual_blob_uri == content_addressed_uri

Registry URIs

The URI to lookup a package from a registry should follow the following format. (subject to change as the Registry Contract Standard makes its way through the EIP process)

  • URI must be a string type

  • scheme: (required) ethpm or erc1319

  • address: (required) Must be a valid ENS domain or a valid checksum address pointing towards a registry contract.

  • chain_id: Chain ID of the chain on which the registry lives. Defaults to Mainnet. Supported chains include…

  • 1: Mainnet

  • 5: Goerli

  • 11155111: Sepolia

  • package-name: Must conform to the package-name as specified in the EthPM-Spec.

  • version: The URI escaped version string, should conform to the semver version numbering specification.


  • ethpm://packages.zeppelinos.eth/owned@1.0.0

  • ethpm://0x808B53bF4D70A24bA5cb720D37A4835621A9df00:1/ethregistrar@1.0.0

To specify a specific asset within a package, you can namespace the target asset.

  • ethpm://maker.snakecharmers.eth:1/dai-dai@1.0.0/sources/token.sol

  • ethpm://maker.snakecharmers.eth:1/dai-dai@1.0.0/contractTypes/DSToken/abi

  • ethpm://maker.snakecharmers.eth:1/dai-dai@1.0.0/deployments/mainnet/dai


The manifest Builder is a tool designed to help construct custom manifests. The builder is still under active development, and can only handle simple use-cases for now.

To create a simple manifest

For all manifests, the following ingredients are required.

    manifest_version(str), ...,
# Or
    init_manifest(package_name: str, version: str, manifest_version: str="ethpm/3")

The builder (i.e. build()) expects a dict as the first argument. This dict can be empty, or populated if you want to extend an existing manifest.

>>> from import *

>>> expected_manifest = {
...   "name": "owned",
...   "version": "1.0.0",
...   "manifest": "ethpm/3"
... }
>>> base_manifest = {"name": "owned"}
>>> built_manifest = build(
...     {},
...     package_name("owned"),
...     manifest_version("ethpm/3"),
...     version("1.0.0"),
... )
>>> extended_manifest = build(
...     base_manifest,
...     manifest_version("ethpm/3"),
...     version("1.0.0"),
... )
>>> assert built_manifest == expected_manifest
>>> assert extended_manifest == expected_manifest

With init_manifest(), which populates “manifest” with “ethpm/3” (the only supported EthPM specification version), unless provided with an alternative “version”.

>>> build(
...     init_manifest("owned", "1.0.0"),
... )
{'name': 'owned', 'version': '1.0.0', 'manifest': 'ethpm/3'}

To return a Package

    as_package(w3: Web3),

By default, the manifest builder returns a dict representing the manifest. To return a Package instance (instantiated with the generated manifest) from the builder, add the as_package() builder function with a valid web3 instance to the end of the builder.

>>> from ethpm import Package
>>> from web3 import Web3

>>> w3 = Web3(Web3.EthereumTesterProvider())
>>> built_package = build(
...     {},
...     package_name("owned"),
...     manifest_version("ethpm/3"),
...     version("1.0.0"),
...     as_package(w3),
... )
>>> assert isinstance(built_package, Package)

To validate a manifest

By default, the manifest builder does not perform any validation that the generated fields are correctly formatted. There are two ways to validate that the built manifest conforms to the EthPM V3 Specification.
  • Return a Package, which automatically runs validation.

  • Add the validate() function to the end of the manifest builder.

>>> valid_manifest = build(
...     {},
...     package_name("owned"),
...     manifest_version("ethpm/3"),
...     version("1.0.0"),
...     validate(),
... )
>>> assert valid_manifest == {"name": "owned", "manifest": "ethpm/3", "version": "1.0.0"}
>>> invalid_manifest = build(
...     {},
...     package_name("_InvalidPkgName"),
...     manifest_version("ethpm/3"),
...     version("1.0.0"),
...     validate(),
... )
Traceback (most recent call last):
ethpm.exceptions.EthPMValidationError: Manifest invalid for schema version 2. Reason: '_InvalidPkgName' does not match '^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,255}$'

To write a manifest to disk

        manifest_root_dir: Optional[Path],
        manifest_name: Optional[str],
        prettify: Optional[bool],

Writes the active manifest to disk. Will not overwrite an existing manifest with the same name and root directory.

Defaults - Writes manifest to current working directory (as returned by os.getcwd()) unless a Path is provided as manifest_root_dir. - Writes manifest with a filename of <version>.json unless desired manifest name (which must end in “.json”) is provided as manifest_name. - Writes the minified manifest version to disk unless prettify is set to True

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> import tempfile
>>> p = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp("temp"))
>>> build(
...     {},
...     package_name("owned"),
...     manifest_version("ethpm/3"),
...     version("1.0.0"),
...     write_to_disk(manifest_root_dir=p, manifest_name="manifest.json", prettify=True),
... )
{'name': 'owned', 'manifest': 'ethpm/3', 'version': '1.0.0'}
>>> with open(str(p / "manifest.json")) as f:
...     actual_manifest =
>>> print(actual_manifest)
     "manifest": "ethpm/3",
     "name": "owned",
     "version": "1.0.0"

To pin a manifest to IPFS

        backend: BaseIPFSBackend,
        prettify: Optional[bool],

Pins the active manifest to disk. Must be the concluding function in a builder set since it returns the IPFS pin data rather than returning the manifest for further processing.

To add meta fields

    authors(*args: str),
    keywords(*args: str),
    links(*kwargs: str),
>>> BASE_MANIFEST = {"name": "owned", "manifest": "ethpm/3", "version": "1.0.0"}
>>> expected_manifest = {
...   "name": "owned",
...   "manifest": "ethpm/3",
...   "version": "1.0.0",
...   "meta": {
...     "authors": ["Satoshi", "Nakamoto"],
...     "description": "An awesome package.",
...     "keywords": ["auth"],
...     "license": "MIT",
...     "links": {
...       "documentation": "",
...       "repo": "",
...       "website": "",
...     }
...   }
... }
>>> built_manifest = build(
...     authors("Satoshi", "Nakamoto"),
...     description("An awesome package."),
...     keywords("auth"),
...     license("MIT"),
...     links(documentation="", repo="", website=""),
... )
>>> assert expected_manifest == built_manifest

Compiler Output

To build a more complex manifest for solidity contracts, it is required that you provide standard-json output from the solidity compiler. Or for a more convenient experience, use the EthPM CLI.

Here is an example of how to compile the contracts and generate the standard-json output. More information can be found in the Solidity Compiler docs.

solc --allow-paths <path-to-contract-directory> --standard-json < standard-json-input.json > owned_compiler_output.json

Sample standard-json-input.json

    "language": "Solidity",
    "sources": {
        "Contract.sol": {
            "urls": ["<path-to-contract>"]
    "settings": {
        "outputSelection": {
            "*": {
                "*": ["abi", "evm.bytecode.object"]

The compiler_output as used in the following examples is the entire value of the contracts key of the solc output, which contains compilation data for all compiled contracts.

To add a source

# To inline a source
        contract_name: str,
        compiler_output: Dict[str, Any],
        package_root_dir: Optional[Path]
# To pin a source
        contract_name: str,
        compiler_output: Dict[str, Any],
        ipfs_backend: BaseIPFSBackend,
        package_root_dir: Optional[Path]

There are two ways to include a contract source in your manifest.

Both strategies require that either …
  • The current working directory is set to the package root directory or

  • The package root directory is provided as an argument (package_root_dir)

To inline the source code directly in the manifest, use inline_source() or source_inliner() (to inline multiple sources from the same compiler_output), which requires the contract name and compiler output as args.


output_v3.json below is expected to be the standard-json output generated by the solidity compiler as described here. The output must contain the abi and bytecode objects from compilation.

>>> import json
>>> from ethpm import ASSETS_DIR, get_ethpm_spec_dir
>>> ethpm_spec_dir = get_ethpm_spec_dir()
>>> owned_dir = ethpm_spec_dir / "examples" / "owned" / "contracts"
>>> compiler_output = json.loads((ASSETS_DIR / "owned" / "output_v3.json").read_text())['contracts']
>>> expected_manifest = {
...   "name": "owned",
...   "version": "1.0.0",
...   "manifest": "ethpm/3",
...   "sources": {
...     "./Owned.sol": {
...       "content": """// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity ^0.6.8;\n\ncontract Owned """
...       """{\n    address owner;\n    \n    modifier onlyOwner { require(msg.sender == owner); _; }"""
...       """\n\n    constructor() public {\n        owner = msg.sender;\n    }\n}""",
...       "type": "solidity",
...       "installPath": "./Owned.sol"
...     }
...   }
... }
>>> # With `inline_source()`
>>> built_manifest = build(
...     inline_source("Owned", compiler_output, package_root_dir=owned_dir),
... )
>>> assert expected_manifest == built_manifest
>>> # With `source_inliner()` for multiple sources from the same compiler output
>>> inliner = source_inliner(compiler_output, package_root_dir=owned_dir)
>>> built_manifest = build(
...     inliner("Owned"),
...     # inliner("other_source"), etc...
... )
>>> assert expected_manifest == built_manifest

To include the source as a content-addressed URI, Py-EthPM can pin your source via the Infura IPFS API. As well as the contract name and compiler output, this function requires that you provide the desired IPFS backend to pin the contract sources.

>>> import json
>>> from ethpm import ASSETS_DIR, get_ethpm_spec_dir
>>> from ethpm.backends.ipfs import get_ipfs_backend
>>> ethpm_spec_dir = get_ethpm_spec_dir()
>>> owned_dir = ethpm_spec_dir / "examples" / "owned" / "contracts"
>>> compiler_output = json.loads((ASSETS_DIR / "owned" / "output_v3.json").read_text())['contracts']
>>> ipfs_backend = get_ipfs_backend()
>>> expected_manifest = {
...   "name": "owned",
...   "version": "1.0.0",
...   "manifest": "ethpm/3",
...   "sources": {
...     "./Owned.sol": {
...       "installPath": "./Owned.sol",
...       "type": "solidity",
...       "urls": ["ipfs://QmU8QUSt56ZoBDJgjjXvAZEPro9LmK1m2gjVG5Q4s9x29W"]
...     }
...   }
... }
>>> # With `pin_source()`
>>> built_manifest = build(
...     pin_source("Owned", compiler_output, ipfs_backend, package_root_dir=owned_dir),
... )
>>> assert expected_manifest == built_manifest
>>> # With `source_pinner()` for multiple sources from the same compiler output
>>> pinner = source_pinner(compiler_output, ipfs_backend, package_root_dir=owned_dir)
>>> built_manifest = build(
...     pinner("Owned"),
...     # pinner("other_source"), etc
... )
>>> assert expected_manifest == built_manifest

To add a contract type

        contract_name: str,
        compiler_output: Dict[str, Any],
        alias: Optional[str],
        abi: Optional[bool],
        compiler: Optional[bool],
        contract_type: Optional[bool],
        deployment_bytecode: Optional[bool],
        devdoc: Optional[bool],
        userdoc: Optional[bool],
        source_id: Optional[bool],
        runtime_bytecode: Optional[bool]

The default behavior of the manifest builder’s contract_type() function is to populate the manifest with all of the contract type data found in the compiler_output.

>>> expected_manifest = {
...   'name': 'owned',
...   'manifest': 'ethpm/3',
...   'version': '1.0.0',
...   'compilers': [
...     {'name': 'solc', 'version': '0.6.8+commit.0bbfe453', 'settings': {'optimize': True}, 'contractTypes': ['Owned']}
...   ],
...   'contractTypes': {
...     'Owned': {
...       'abi': [{'inputs': [], 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'constructor'}],
...       'deploymentBytecode': {
...         'bytecode': '0x6080604052348015600f57600080fd5b50600080546001600160a01b03191633179055603f80602f6000396000f3fe6080604052600080fdfea26469706673582212208cbf6c3ccde7837026b3ec9660a0e95f1dbee0ce985f6879d7bc7e422519cc7564736f6c63430006080033'
...       },
...       'sourceId': 'Owned.sol',
...       'devdoc': {'methods': {}},
...       'userdoc': {'methods': {}}
...     }
...   }
... }
>>> built_manifest = build(
...     contract_type("Owned", compiler_output)
... )
>>> assert expected_manifest == built_manifest
To select only certain contract type data to be included in your manifest, provide the desired fields as True keyword arguments. The following fields can be specified for inclusion in the manifest …
  • abi

  • compiler

  • deployment_bytecode

  • runtime_bytecode

  • devdoc

  • userdoc

  • source_id

>>> expected_manifest = {
...   'name': 'owned',
...   'manifest': 'ethpm/3',
...   'version': '1.0.0',
...   'contractTypes': {
...     'Owned': {
...       'abi': [{'inputs': [], 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'constructor'}],
...     }
...   }
... }
>>> built_manifest = build(
...     contract_type("Owned", compiler_output, abi=True)
... )
>>> assert expected_manifest == built_manifest

If you would like to alias your contract type, provide the desired alias as a kwarg. This will automatically include the original contract type in a contractType field. Unless specific contract type fields are provided as kwargs, contractType will still default to including all available contract type data found in the compiler output.

>>> expected_manifest = {
...   'name': 'owned',
...   'manifest': 'ethpm/3',
...   'version': '1.0.0',
...   'contractTypes': {
...     'OwnedAlias': {
...       'abi': [{'inputs': [], 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'constructor'}],
...       'contractType': 'Owned'
...     }
...   }
... }
>>> built_manifest = build(
...     contract_type("Owned", compiler_output, alias="OwnedAlias", abi=True)
... )
>>> assert expected_manifest == built_manifest

To add a deployment


There are two strategies for adding a deployment to your manifest.

deployment(block_uri, contract_instance, contract_type, address, transaction=None, block=None, deployment_bytecode=None, runtime_bytecode=None, compiler=None)

This is the simplest builder function for adding a deployment to a manifest. All arguments require keywords. This builder function requires a valid block_uri, it’s up to the user to be sure that multiple chain URIs representing the same blockchain are not included in the “deployments” object keys.

runtime_bytecode, deployment_bytecode and compiler must all be validly formatted dicts according to the EthPM Spec. If your contract has link dependencies, be sure to include them in the bytecode objects.

>>> expected_manifest = {
...   'name': 'owned',
...   'manifest': 'ethpm/3',
...   'version': '1.0.0',
...   'deployments': {
...     'blockchain://1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234/block/1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef': {
...       'Owned': {
...         'contractType': 'Owned',
...         'address': '0x4F5B11C860B37B68De6d14FB7e7b5f18A9a1BD00',
...       }
...     }
...   }
... }
>>> built_manifest = build(
...     deployment(
...         block_uri='blockchain://1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234/block/1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef',
...         contract_instance='Owned',
...         contract_type='Owned',
...         address='0x4F5B11C860B37B68De6d14FB7e7b5f18A9a1BD00',
...     ),
... )
>>> assert expected_manifest == built_manifest
deployment_type(contract_instance, contract_type, deployment_bytecode=None, runtime_bytecode=None, compiler=None)

This builder function simplifies adding the same contract type deployment across multiple chains. It requires both a contract_instance and contract_type argument (in many cases these are the same, though contract_type must always match its correspondent in the manifest’s “contract_types”) and all arguments require keywords.

runtime_bytecode, deployment_bytecode and compiler must all be validly formatted dicts according to the EthPM Spec. If your contract has link dependencies, be sure to include them in the bytecode objects.

owned_type = deployment_type(contract_instance="Owned", contract_type="Owned")
escrow_type = deployment_type(
    contract_instance = "Escrow",
    contract_type = "Escrow",
    deployment_bytecode = {
        "bytecode": "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"
    runtime_bytecode = {
        "bytecode": "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"
    compiler = {
        "name": "solc",
        "version": "0.4.24+commit.e67f0147.Emscripten.clang",
        "settings": {
            "optimize": True
manifest = build(

To add a build dependency

build_dependency(package_name, uri)

To add a build dependency to your manifest, just provide the package’s name and a supported, content-addressed URI.

>>> expected_manifest = {
...   'name': 'owned',
...   'manifest': 'ethpm/3',
...   'version': '1.0.0',
...   'buildDependencies': {
...     'owned': 'ipfs://QmbeVyFLSuEUxiXKwSsEjef6icpdTdA4kGG9BcrJXKNKUW',
...   }
... }
>>> built_manifest = build(
...     build_dependency('owned', 'ipfs://QmbeVyFLSuEUxiXKwSsEjef6icpdTdA4kGG9BcrJXKNKUW'),
... )
>>> assert expected_manifest == built_manifest


The manifest Checker is a tool designed to help validate manifests according to the natural language spec (link).

To validate a manifest

>>> from import check_manifest

>>> basic_manifest = {"name": "example", "version": "1.0.0", "manifest": "ethpm/3"}
>>> check_manifest(basic_manifest)
{'meta': "Manifest missing a suggested 'meta' field.", 'sources': 'Manifest is missing a sources field, which defines a source tree that should comprise the full source tree necessary to recompile the contracts contained in this release.', 'contractTypes': "Manifest does not contain any 'contractTypes'. Packages should only include contract types that can be found in the source files for this package. Packages should not include contract types from dependencies. Packages should not include abstract contracts in the contract types section of a release.", 'compilers': 'Manifest is missing a suggested `compilers` field.'}