Package Manager API

The object exposes methods to interact with Packages as defined by ERC 1123.


The API is still under development and likely to change quickly.

Now is a great time to get familiar with the API, and test out writing code that uses some of the great upcoming features.

By default, access to this module has been turned off in the stable version of

>>> from web3 import Web3, IPCProvider
>>> w3 = Web3(IPCProvider(...))
AttributeError: The Package Management feature is disabled by default ...

In order to access these features, you can turn it on with…

>>> w3.enable_unstable_package_management_api()
< at 0x....>


The following methods are available on the namespace.

Creating your own Registry class

If you want to implement your own registry and use it with, you must create a subclass that inherits from ERC1319Registry, and implements all the ERC 1319 standard methods prefixed with an underscore in ERC1319Registry. Then, you have to manually set it as the registry attribute on

custom_registry = CustomRegistryClass(address, w3) = custom_registry

One reason a user might want to create their own Registry class is if they build a custom Package Registry smart contract that has features beyond those specified in ERC 1319. For example, the ability to delete a release or some micropayment feature. Rather than accessing those functions directly on the contract instance, they can create a custom ERC1319Registry subclass to easily call both the standard & custom methods.