class web3.shh.Shh

The web3.shh object exposes methods to interact with the RPC APIs under the shh_ namespace.


The Whisper protocol is in flux, with incompatible versions supported by different major clients. So it is not currently included by default in the web3 instance.


The following properties are available on the web.shh namespace.


Returns the Whisper version this node offers.


Returns the Whisper statistics for diagnostics.

{'maxMessageSize': 1024, 'memory': 240, 'messages': 0, 'minPow': 0.2}


The following methods are available on the web3.shh namespace., message)
  • Creates a whisper message and injects it into the network for distribution.
  • Parameters:
    • symKeyID: When using symmetric key encryption, holds the symmetric key ID.
    • pubKey: When using asymmetric key encryption, holds the public key.
    • ttl: Time-to-live in seconds.
    • sig (optional): ID of the signing key.
    • topic: Message topic (four bytes of arbitrary data).
    • payload: Payload to be encrypted.
    • padding (optional): Padding (byte array of arbitrary length).
    • powTime: Maximal time in seconds to be spent on prrof of work.
    • powTarget: Minimal PoW target required for this message.
    • targetPeer (optional): Peer ID (for peer-to-peer message only).
  • Returns True if the message was succesfully sent, otherwise False
>>>{'payload': web3.toHex(text="test_payload"), 'pubKey': recipient_public, 'topic': '0x12340000', 'powTarget': 2.5, 'powTime': 2})
Shh.newMessageFilter(self, criteria, poll_interval=None)
  • Create a new filter within the node. This filter can be used to poll for new messages that match the set of criteria.
  • If a poll_interval is specified, the client will asynchronously poll for new messages.
  • Parameters:
    • symKeyID: When using symmetric key encryption, holds the symmetric key ID.
    • privateKeyID: When using asymmetric key encryption, holds the private key ID.
    • sig: Public key of the signature.
    • minPoW: Minimal PoW requirement for incoming messages.
    • topics: Array of possible topics (or partial topics).
    • allowP2P: Indicates if this filter allows processing of direct peer-to-peer messages.
  • Returns ShhFilter which you can either watch(callback) or request get_new_entries()
>>>web3.shh.newMessageFilter({'topic': '0x12340000', 'privateKeyID': recipient_private})
ShhFilter({'filter_id': 'b37c3106cfb683e8f01b5019342399e0d1d74e9160f69b27625faba7a6738554'})
Shh.deleteMessageFilter(self, filter_id)
  • Deletes a message filter in the node.
  • Returns True if the filter was sucesfully uninstalled, otherwise False
Shh.getMessages(self, filter_id)
  • Retrieve messages that match the filter criteria and are received between the last time this function was called and now.
  • Returns all new messages since the last invocation
    'ttl': 50,
    'timestamp': 1524497850,
    'topic': HexBytes('0x13370000'),
    'payload': HexBytes('0x74657374206d657373616765203a29'),
    'padding': HexBytes('0x50ab643f1b23bc6df1b1532bb6704ad947c2453366754aade3e3597553eeb96119f4f4299834d9989dc4ecc67e6b6470317bb3f7396ace0417fc0d6d2023900d3'),
    'pow': 6.73892030848329,
    'hash': HexBytes('0x7418f8f0989655ed2f4f9b496e6b1d9be51ef9f0f5ad89f6f750b0eee268b02f'),
    'recipientPublicKey': HexBytes('0x047d36c9e45fa82fcd27d35bc7d2fd41a2e41e512feec9e4b90ee4293ab12dc2cfc98250a6f5689b07650f8a5ca3a6e0fa8808cd0ce1a1962f2551354487a8fc79')
Shh.setMaxMessageSize(self, size)
  • Sets the maximal message size allowed by this node. Incoming and outgoing messages with a larger size will be rejected. Whisper message size can never exceed the limit imposed by the underlying P2P protocol (10 Mb).
  • Returns True if the filter was sucesfully uninstalled, otherwise False
Shh.setMinPoW(self, min_pow)
  • Sets the minimal PoW required by this node.
  • Returns True if the filter was sucesfully uninstalled, otherwise False
Shh.markTrustedPeer(self, enode)
  • Marks specific peer trusted, which will allow it to send historic (expired) messages.
  • Returns True if the filter was sucesfully uninstalled, otherwise False

Asymmetric Keys

  • Generates a new cryptographic identity for the client, and injects it into the known identities for message decryption
  • Returns the new key pair’s identity
Shh.addPrivateKey(self, key)
  • Stores a key pair derived from a private key, and returns its ID.
  • Returns the added key pair’s ID
Shh.deleteKeyPair(self, id)
  • Deletes the specifies key if it exists.
  • Returns True if the key pair was deleted, otherwise False
Shh.hasKeyPair(self, id)
  • Checks if the whisper node has a private key of a key pair matching the given ID.
  • Returns True if the key pair exists, otherwise False
Shh.getPublicKey(self, id)
  • Returns the public key associated with the key pair.
Shh.getPrivateKey(self, id)
  • Returns the private key associated with the key pair.

Symmetric Keys

  • Generates a random symmetric key and stores it under id, which is then returned. Will be used in the future for session key exchange
  • Returns the new key pair’s identity
Shh.addSymKey(self, key)
  • Stores the key, and returns its ID.
  • Returns the new key pair’s identity
  • Generates the key from password, stores it, and returns its ID.
  • Returns the new key pair’s identity
>>>web3.shh.generateSymKeyFromPassword('shh secret pwd')
Shh.hasSymKey(self, id)
  • Checks if there is a symmetric key stored with the given ID.
  • Returns True if the key exists, otherwise False
Shh.getSymKey(self, id)
  • Returns the symmetric key associated with the given ID.
  • Returns the public key associated with the key pair
Shh.deleteSymKey(self, id)
  • Deletes the symmetric key associated with the given ID.
  • Returns True if the key pair was deleted, otherwise False