Web3 Internals


This section of the documentation is for advanced users. You should probably stay away from these APIs if you don’t know what you are doing.

The Web3 library has multiple layers of abstraction between the public api exposed by the web3 object and the backend or node that web3 is connecting to.

  • Providers are responsible for the actual communication with the blockchain such as sending JSON-RPC requests over HTTP or an IPC socket.

  • Middleware provide hooks for monitoring and modifying requests and responses to and from the provider.

  • Managers provide thread safety and primitives to allow for asynchronous usage of web3.

Here are some common things you might want to do with these APIs.

  • Redirect certain RPC requests to different providers such as sending all read operations to a provider backed by a remote node and all write operations to a local node that you control.

  • Transparently intercept transactions sent over eth_sendTransaction, sign them locally, and then send them through eth_sendRawTransaction.

  • Modify the response from an RPC request so that it is returned in different format such as converting all integer values to their hexadecimal representation.

  • Validate the inputs to RPC requests

Request Lifecycle

Each web3 RPC call passes through these layers in the following manner.

  ***********    ************
  | Request |    | Response |
  ***********    ************
      |                ^
      v                |
|           Manager           |
      |                ^
      v                |
|         Middleware          |
      |                ^
      v                |
|          Provider           |

You can visualize this relationship like an onion, with the Provider at the center. The request originates from the Manager, outside of the onion, passing down through each layer of the onion until it reaches the Provider at the center. The Provider then handles the request, producing a response which will then pass back out from the center of the onion, through each layer until it is finally returned by the Manager.


A provider is responsible for all direct blockchain interactions. In most cases this means interacting with the JSON-RPC server for an ethereum node over HTTP or an IPC socket. There is however nothing which requires providers to be RPC based, allowing for providers designed for testing purposes which use an in-memory EVM to fulfill requests.

Writing your own Provider

Writing your own provider requires implementing two required methods as well as setting the middleware the provider should use.

BaseProvider.make_request(method, params)

Each provider class must implement this method. This method should return a JSON object with either a 'result' key in the case of success, or an 'error' key in the case of failure.

  • method This will be a string representing the JSON-RPC method that is being called such as 'eth_sendTransaction'.

  • params This will be a list or other iterable of the parameters for the JSON-RPC method being called.


This function should return True or False depending on whether the provider should be considered connected. For example, an IPC socket based provider should return True if the socket is open and False if the socket is closed.

If set to True, the optional show_traceback boolean will raise a ProviderConnectionError and provide information on why the provider should not be considered connected.


This should be an iterable of middleware.

You can set a new list of middleware by assigning to provider.middleware, with the first middleware that processes the request at the beginning of the list.

Provider Configurations

Request Caching


Familiarize yourself with the validation logic for request caching before enabling it. Since this feature often requires making additional requests under the hood to try to guarantee the validity of the data, it may create unnecessary overhead for your use case. Validation can be turned off by setting the request_cache_validation_threshold option to None, caching all allowed requests, or configured for adjusting performance to your needs.

Request caching can be configured at the provider level via the following configuration options on the provider instance:

  • cache_allowed_requests: bool = False

  • cacheable_requests: Optional[Set[RPCEndpoint]]

  • request_cache_validation_threshold: Optional[Union[RequestCacheValidationThreshold, int]]

For requests that don’t rely on block data (e.g., eth_chainId), enabling request caching by setting the cache_allowed_requests option to True will cache all responses. This is safe to do.

However, for requests that rely on block data (e.g., eth_getBlockByNumber), it is not safe to always cache their responses because block data can change - during a chain reorganization or while finality has not been reached, for example. The request_cache_validation_threshold option allows configuring a safe threshold for caching responses that depend on block data. By default, this option is configured to internal values deemed “safe” for the chain id you are connected to. If you are connected to mainnet Ethereum, this value is set to the finalized block number. If you are connected to another chain, this value is set to a time interval in seconds, from the current time, that is deemed “safe” for that chain’s finality mechanism.

It’s important to understand that, in order to perform these validations, extra requests are sometimes made to the node to get the appropriate information. For a transaction request, for example, it is necessary to get the block information to validate the transaction is beyond the safe threshold. This can create overhead, especially for high-frequency requests. For this reason, it is important to understand when to turn on caching and how to configure the validation appropriately for your use case in order to avoid unnecessary overhead.

We keep a list of some reasonable values for bigger chains and use the time interval of 1 hour for everything else. Below is a list of the default values for internally configured chains:

  • ETH: RequestCacheValidationThreshold.FINALIZED (“finalized” block)

  • ARB1: 7 days

  • ZKSYNC: 1 hour

  • OETH: 3 minutes

  • MATIC: 30 minutes

  • ZKEVM: 1 hour

  • BASE: 7 days

  • SCR: 1 hour

  • GNO: 5 minutes

  • AVAX: 2 minutes

  • BNB: 2 minutes

  • FTM: 1 minute

For Ethereum mainnet, for example, this means that a request’s response will be cached if the block number the request relies on is less than or equal to the finalized block number. If the block number exceeds the finalized block number, the response won’t be cached. For all others, the response will be cached if the block timestamp related to the data that is being requested is older than or equal to the time interval configured for that chain. For any chain not on this list, the default value is set to 1 hour (this includes all testnets).

This behavior can be modified by setting the request_cache_validation_threshold option to RequestCacheValidationThreshold.SAFE, which uses the safe block as the threshold (Ethereum mainnet only), to your own time interval in seconds (for any chain, including mainnet Ethereum), or to None, which disables any validation and caches all requests (this is not recommended for non testnet chains). The RequestCacheValidationThreshold enum, for mainnet finalized and safe values, is imported from the web3.utils module.

Note that the cacheable_requests option can be used to specify a set of RPC endpoints that are allowed to be cached. By default, this option is set to an internal list of deemed-safe-to-cache endpoints, excluding endpoints such as eth_call, whose responses can vary and are not safe to cache. The default list of cacheable requests is below, with requests validated by the request_cache_validation_threshold option in bold:

  • eth_chainId

  • web3_clientVersion

  • net_version

  • eth_getBlockByNumber

  • eth_getRawTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex

  • eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber

  • eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex

  • eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber

  • eth_getBlockByHash

  • eth_getTransactionByHash

  • eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex

  • eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex

  • eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash

  • eth_getRawTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex

  • eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex

  • eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash

from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider
from web3.utils import RequestCacheValidationThreshold

w3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(

    # optional flag to turn on cached requests, defaults to ``False``

    # optional, defaults to an internal list of deemed-safe-to-cache endpoints (see above)
    cacheable_requests={"eth_chainId", "eth_getBlockByNumber"},

    # optional, defaults to a value that is based on the chain id (see above)
    request_cache_validation_threshold=60 * 60,  # 1 hour
    # request_cache_validation_threshold=RequestCacheValidationThreshold.SAFE,  # Ethereum mainnet only

Retry Requests for HTTP Providers

HTTPProvider and AsyncHTTPProvider instances retry certain requests by default on exceptions. This can be configured via the exception_retry_configuration property on the provider instance, which takes a ExceptionRetryConfiguration class as its value. The retry mechanism employs an exponential backoff strategy, starting from the initial value determined by the backoff_factor, and doubling the delay with each attempt, up to the retries value. Below is an example showing the default options for the retry configuration and how to override them.

class web3.providers.rpc.utils.ExceptionRetryConfiguration

A tuple of exceptions that the provider should retry on. The default is HTTPProvider: (ConnectionError, requests.HTTPError, requests.Timeout) and AsyncHTTPProvider: (aiohttp.ClientError, asyncio.TimeoutError).


The number of retries to attempt. The default is 5.


The initial delay multiplier, which doubles with each retry attempt. The default is 0.125.


A list of retryable methods. The default is an in-house list of deemed-safe-to- retry methods.

from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider
from web3.providers.rpc.utils import (

w3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(

        # number of retries to attempt

        # initial delay multiplier, doubles with each retry attempt

        # an in-house default list of retryable methods

For the different http providers, DEFAULT_EXCEPTIONS is defined as:

  • HTTPProvider: (ConnectionError, requests.HTTPError, requests.Timeout)

  • AsyncHTTPProvider: (ConnectionError, aiohttp.ClientError, asyncio.TimeoutError)

Setting retry_configuration to None will disable retries on exceptions for the provider instance.

from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider

w3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(endpoint_uri="...", retry_configuration=None)


The Manager acts as a gatekeeper for the request/response lifecycle. It is unlikely that you will need to change the Manager as most functionality can be implemented in the Middleware layer.

Request Processing for Persistent Connection Providers

class web3.providers.persistent.request_processor.RequestProcessor

The RequestProcessor class is responsible for the storing and syncing up of asynchronous requests to responses for a PersistentConnectionProvider. The WebSocketProvider and the AsyncIPCProvider are two persistent connection providers. In order to send a request and receive a response to that same request, PersistentConnectionProvider instances have to match request id values to response id values coming back from the socket connection. Any provider that does not adhere to the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification in this way will not work with PersistentConnectionProvider instances. The specifics of how the request processor handles this are outlined below.

Listening for Responses

Implementations of the PersistentConnectionProvider class have a message listener background task that is called when the socket connection is established. This task is responsible for listening for any and all messages coming in over the socket connection and storing them in the RequestProcessor instance internal to the PersistentConnectionProvider instance. The RequestProcessor instance is responsible for storing the messages in the correct cache, either the one-to-one cache or the one-to-many (subscriptions) queue, depending on whether the message has a JSON-RPC id value or not.

One-To-One Requests

One-to-one requests can be summarized as any request that expects only one response back. An example is using the eth module API to request the latest block number.

>>> async def ws_one_to_one_example():
...     async with AsyncWeb3(WebSocketProvider(f"ws://")) as w3:
...         # make a request and expect a single response returned on the same line
...         latest_block_num = await w3.eth.block_number

>>> asyncio.run(ws_one_to_one_example())

With persistent socket connections, we have to call send() and asynchronously receive responses via another means, generally by calling recv() or by iterating on the socket connection for messages. As outlined above, the PersistentConnectionProvider class has a message listener background task that handles the receiving of messages.

Due to this asynchronous nature of sending and receiving, in order to make one-to-one request-to-response calls work, we have to save the request information somewhere so that, when the response is received, we can match it to the original request that was made (i.e. the request with a matching id to the response that was received). The stored request information is then used to process the response when it is received, piping it through the response formatters and middleware internal to the web3.py library.

In order to store the request information, the RequestProcessor class has an internal RequestInformation cache. The RequestInformation class saves important information about a request.

class web3._utils.caching.RequestInformation

The name of the method - e.g. “eth_subscribe”.


The params used when the call was made - e.g. (“newPendingTransactions”, True).


The formatters that will be used to process the response.


Any middleware that processes responses that is present on the instance at the time of the request is appended here, in order, so the response may be piped through that logic when it comes in.


If the request is an eth_subscribe request, rather than popping this information from the cache when the response to the subscription call comes in (i.e. the subscription id), we save the subscription id with the request information so that we can correctly process all subscription messages that come in with that subscription id. For one-to-one request-to-response calls, this value is always None.

One-to-one responses, those that include a JSON-RPC id in the response object, are stored in an internal SimpleCache class, isolated from any one-to-many responses. When the PersistentConnectionProvider is looking for a response internally, it will expect the message listener task to store the response in this cache. Since the request id is used in the cache key generation, it will then look for a cache key that matches the response id with that of the request id. If the cache key is found, the response is processed and returned to the user. If the cache key is not found, the operation will time out and raise a TimeExhausted exception. This timeout can be configured by the user when instantiating the PersistentConnectionProvider instance via the response_timeout keyword argument.

One-To-Many Requests

One-to-many requests can be summarized by any request that expects many responses as a result of the initial request. The only current example is the eth_subscribe request. The initial eth_subscribe request expects only one response, the subscription id value, but it also expects to receive many eth_subscription messages if and when the request is successful. For this reason, the original request is considered a one-to-one request so that a subscription id can be returned to the user on the same line. The many responses this call will produce can be handled in one of a few ways.

The recommended way to handle one-to-many responses is to use the subscription manager API. The subscription manager API is a public API on the AsyncWeb3 class, when connected to a PersistentConnectionProvider instance, that allows the user to subscribe to a subscription and handle the many responses asynchronously. The subscription_manager instance is responsible for handling the many responses that come in over the socket connection, as long as handlers are passed to each subscription call. The subscription manager can also be used to unsubscribe from a subscription when the user is done with it.

>>> async def new_heads_handler(
...     handler_context: NewHeadsSubscriptionContext,
... ) -> None:
...     result = handler_context.result
...     print(f"New block header: {result}\n")
...     if result["number"] > 1234567:
...         await handler_context.subscription.unsubscribe()

>>> async def ws_subscription_example():
...     async with AsyncWeb3(WebSocketProvider(f"ws://")) as w3:
...         # Subscribe to new block headers and receive the subscription_id.
...         # A one-to-one call with a trigger for many responses
...         subscription_id = await w3.eth.subscribe("newHeads", handler=new_heads_handler)
...         # Handle the subscription messages asynchronously using the subscription
...         # manager. This will continue until no more subscriptions are present in
...         # the subscription manager, or indefinitely if the `run_forever` flag
...         # is set to `True`.
...         await w3.subscription_manager.handle_subscriptions(run_forever=False)
>>> asyncio.run(ws_subscription_example())

The manager can also subscribe to many subscriptions at one time. The EthSubscription classes, available via web3.utils.subscriptions, provide a friendly API for managing subscriptions. Since each connection and provider instance has its own message listener task and subscription manager instance, you can subscribe to many subscriptions at once and handle the many responses that come in over the socket connections via handlers. The handlers contain:

  • async_w3: The AsyncWeb3 instance that the subscription was made on.

  • subscription: The subscription instance that the handler is attached to.

  • result: The response that came in over the socket connection for the subscription.

Subscriptions also accept a handler_context argument that can be used to pass additional information to the handler when subscribing to a subscription. This can be used to pass in an event object, for example, that can be used to parse a log event when it comes in.

>>> from web3 import (
...     AsyncWeb3,
...     WebSocketProvider,
...     AsyncIPCProvider,
... )
>>> from web3.utils.subscriptions import (
...     EthSubscription,
...     NewHeadsSubscription,
...     NewHeadsSubscriptionContext,
...     PendingTxSubscription,
...     PendingTxSubscriptionContext,
...     LogsSubscription,
...     LogsSubscriptionContext,
... )

>>> async def new_heads_handler(
...     handler_context: NewHeadsSubscriptionContext,
... ) -> None:
...     header = handler_context.result
...     print(f"New block header: {header}\n")
...     if header["number"] > 1234567:
...         await handler_context.subscription.unsubscribe()

>>> async def pending_txs_handler(
...     handler_context: PendingTxSubscriptionContext,
... ) -> None:
...     ...

>>> async def log_handler(
...     handler_context: LogsSubscriptionContext,
... ) -> None:
...     log_receipt = handler_context.result
...     # event is now available in the handler context, because we pass it to in the
...     # ``handler_context`` when subscribing to the log
...     event_data = handler_context.transfer_event.process_log(log_receipt)
...     print(f"Log event data: {event_data}\n")

>>> async def sub_manager():
...     local_w3 = await AsyncWeb3(AsyncIPCProvider(LOCAL_IPC))
...     # subscribe to many subscriptions via the subscription manager with handlers
...     weth_contract = local_w3.eth.contract(
...         address=local_w3.to_checksum_address("0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"),
...         abi=WETH_ABI,
...     )
...     transfer_event = weth_contract.events.Transfer()
...     await local_w3.subscription_manager.subscribe(
...         [
...             NewHeadsSubscription(label="new-heads-mainnet", handler=new_heads_handler),
...             PendingTxSubscription(
...                 label="pending-tx-mainnet",  # optional label
...                 full_transactions=True,
...                 handler=pending_tx_handler,
...             ),
...             LogsSubscription(
...                 label="WETH transfers",  # optional label
...                 address=weth_contract.address,
...                 topics=[transfer_event.topic],
...                 handler=log_handler,
...                 # optional ``handler_context`` args to help parse a response
...                 handler_context={"transfer_event": transfer_event},
...             ),
...         ]
...     )
...     public_w3 = await AsyncWeb3(WebSocketProvider(PUBLIC_PROVIDER_WS))
...     # subscribe via eth_subscribe, with handler and label (optional)
...     await public_w3.eth.subscribe("public_newHeads", handler=pending_tx_handler, label="new-heads-public-ws")

>>>     # This will handle all subscriptions until no more subscriptions are present
...     # in either subscription manager instance. If the `run_forever` flag is set
...     # to `True` on any manager instance, this will run indefinitely.
>>>     await asyncio.gather(
...         public_w3.subscription_manager.handle_subscriptions(),
...         local_w3.subscription_manager.handle_subscriptions(),
...     )
...     # close the connections
...     await local_w3.provider.disconnect()
...     await public_w3.provider.disconnect()

>>> asyncio.run(sub_manager())

The process_subscriptions() method on the PersistentConnection class, the public API for interacting with the active persistent socket connection, is also set up to receive eth_subscription responses over an asynchronous iterator pattern. You can use this method to listen for raw messages and process them as they come in.

>>> async def ws_subscription_example():
...     async with AsyncWeb3(WebSocketProvider(f"ws://")) as w3:
...         # Subscribe to new block headers and receive the subscription_id.
...         # A one-to-one call with a trigger for many responses
...         subscription_id = await w3.eth.subscribe("newHeads")
...         # Listen to the socket for the many responses utilizing the
...         # ``w3.socket`` ``PersistentConnection`` public API method
...         # ``process_subscriptions()``
...         async for response in w3.socket.process_subscriptions():
...             # Receive only one-to-many responses here so that we don't
...             # accidentally return the response for a one-to-one request in this
...             # block
...             print(f"{response}\n")
...             if some_condition:
...                 # unsubscribe from new block headers, another one-to-one request
...                 is_unsubscribed = await w3.eth.unsubscribe(subscription_id)
...                 if is_unsubscribed:
...                     break

>>> asyncio.run(ws_subscription_example())

One-to-many responses, those that do not include a JSON-RPC id in the response object, are stored in an internal asyncio.Queue instance, isolated from any one-to-one responses. When the PersistentConnectionProvider is looking for one-to-many responses internally, it will expect the message listener task to store these messages in this queue. Since the order of the messages is important, the queue is a FIFO queue. The process_subscriptions() method on the PersistentConnection class is set up to pop messages from this queue as FIFO over an asynchronous iterator pattern.

If the stream of messages from the socket is not being interrupted by any other tasks, the queue will generally be in sync with the messages coming in over the socket. That is, the message listener will put a message in the queue and the process_subscriptions() method will pop that message from the queue and yield control of the loop back to the listener. This will continue until the socket connection is closed or the user unsubscribes from the subscription. If the stream of messages lags a bit, or the provider is not consuming messages but has subscribed to a subscription, this internal queue may fill up with messages until it reaches its max size and then trigger a waiting asyncio.Event until the provider begins consuming messages from the queue again. For this reason, it’s important to begin consuming messages from the queue, via the process_subscriptions() method, as soon as a subscription is made.